Tuesday 28th January
Mentoring: this weekly session at Wyke 6th Form focusses on developing positive relationships / self esteem and providing an outlet for students to be listened to via person centred one to one sessions with Mez (Practitioner).
6th Form students attending this weekly person centred appointments are offered space to explore mood, emotion, build relationships, grow confidence and celebrate individuality through non-clinical information, advice and guidance / mentorship.
The aim of these weekly sessions with Mez is to provide informal and non-clinical IAG appointments through non clinical practice so that healthy relationships and individual growth/progression can be maintained.
Please note this is a closed session for students at Wyke 6th Form and runs in conjunction with the Safeguarding team at the college. The sessions with Mez take place weekly on a Friday.
We believe everyone should have access to help and guidance whenever they need it.
That's why all our courses and sessions are 100% free and always will be.